Loco bambino Miffy package colors & shapes

Loco bambino Miffy package colors & shapes
For all Miffy fans there are the assignment booklets I learn to color and I learn shapes. The little ones are introduced to colors and shapes in a playful way. Unnoticed, they make all kinds of discoveries that will later be important for their developmen
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For all Miffy fans there are the assignment booklets I learn to color and I learn shapes. The little ones are introduced to colors and shapes in a playful way. Unnoticed, they make all kinds of discoveries that will later be important for their development in the areas of reading, arithmetic and writing. In addition to the two booklets, this package also contains the basic box for completing the assignments and a brochure with tips. By turning the box over, your child will discover whether the dot pattern is correct and whether he has completed the assignments correctly. Endless fun with Miffy!
• Loco bambino basic box
• Assignment book Miffy I learn to color
• Assignment booklet Miffy I learn to shape
• Loco information brochure
Learning goals:
• Recognizing and naming colors
• Recognizing and naming shapes
Ages: 3-5 years
Year groups: Group 1, Group 2
Language: Dutch